To write the Excel 2010 VBA code(Excel macro language)you must use the Excel 2010 VBA Editor. The simplest way to launch the Excel 2010 VBA Editor is to insert an Active-X control as shown in Figure 5.1.
The most commonly used Active-X control is the command button. Insert the command button, then click on the Active-X command button to enter the Excel 2010 VBA editor(VBE). In the VBE, you can enter the VBA code.
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Your Code End Sub
Excel 2010 VBA code is event-driven therefore it will respond to some events. In the aforementioned example, it will execute the event when the user clicks on the command button.
Try the following examples:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Msgbox "Welcome to Excel VBA 2010" End Sub
You can modify Example 5.1 and it will produce the same result.
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Dim YourMsg As String YourMsg = "Welcome to Excel VBA 2010" MsgBox YourMsg End Sub
This example calculate the mod.
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Dim x,y As String x=105 y=20 MsgBox x mod y End Sub
Private Sub A = "Tom" B = "likes" C = "to" D = "eat" E = "burger" MsgBox A + B + C + D + E End Sub
Running the code produces the sentence "Tom likes to eat burger". It produces the same effect if we replace the last line with MsgBox A & B & C & D & E.
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