Creating Charts and Graphs in Excel VBA 2010

In Excel VBA 2010, we can write code to create charts and graphs easily based on the data on the spreadsheet. Excel 2010 has made charting engine as part of the Shape object. It is also an object by itself. We can create charts on a sheet of their own or embed them into an existing worksheet. The chart sheet is the Chart object whereas the embedded chart is part of the shape collection for the worksheet. Learn more in the link below:



The Range Object in Excel VBA 2010

Range is one of the most important and most commonly used Excel VBA 2010 object. The Range object contains two arguments that specifies a selected area on the spreadsheet. The syntax is Range(starting_cell,Ending_ Cell). 

For example, Range(“A1:C6″) means the specified range is from cell A1 to C6.

To select the specified range, the syntax is


where select is a method of the Range object

Learn more about the Range Object

Creating charts in Excel VBA 2010

Can we write code to create charts and graphs in Excel VBA 2010? Yes, you can. Excel VBA 2010 has included charting engine as part of the Shape object. It is also an object by itself. We can create charts on a sheet of their own or embed them into an existing worksheet. The chart sheet is the Chart object whereas the embedded chart is part of the shape collection for the worksheet.

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Introduction to Excel VBA 2010

Is creating Excel VBA in MS Excel 2010 as easy as in Ms Excel 2003 and older versions? The fact is Microsoft Excel 2010 looks similar to Microsoft Excel 2007 but both are considerably different from Microsoft Excel 2003. MS Excel 2010 employs interactive ribbon controls for the menu bar instead of the old menu structure. Fortunately, the Visual Basic Editor (VBE) remains largely the same as that of version 2003. However, finding the active-x controls on the ribbon control is not as obvious as in Microsoft Excel 2003. Learn how to create Excel VBA in MS Excel 2010 by following the link below:

Excel 2010 VBA Tutorial

VBA is the acronym for Visual Basic for Applications. Using the concept of Visual Basic programming, you can build customized Excel 2010  VBA to enhance the capabilities of Microsoft Excel 2010. Start learning Excel VBA 2010 by following the lessons below.

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Lesson 1: Introduction
Lesson 2: Data Types, Constants and Variables
Lesson 3: Arrays
Lesson 4: Operators
Lesson 5: Writing the Code
Lesson 6: Subroutines and Functions
Lesson 7: Mathematical Functions
Lesson 8: Formatting Functions
Lesson 9:  String Manipulating Functions
Lesson 10:Decision Making 1: If…Then…Else
Lesson 11:Decision Making 2: Select Case…..End Select
Lesson 12:Looping
Lesson 13: Do…..Loop
Lesson 14: Errors Handling
Lesson 15: UserForm
Lesson 16: Introduction to Excel VBA Objects Part 1
Lesson 17: Introduction to Excel VBA Objects Part 2
Lesson 18: The Range Object
Lesson 19:The Worksheet Object
Lesson 20: The Workbook Object
Lesson 21: Formatting Fonts and Background Colors
Lesson 22: Working with Check Box and Option Button
Lesson 23: Working with List Box, Combo Box and Toggle Button
Lesson 24: Creating Charts and Graphs
Lesson 25: Creating Animation 
Lesson 26: Adding and Manipulating Shapes

Excel VBA Functions

In Excel VBA, a function is similar to a procedure but the main purpose of the function is to accept a certain input from the user and return a value which is passed on to the main program to finish the execution. There are two types of functions, the built-in functions (or internal functions) and the functions created by the programmers, or simply called user-defined functions. We shall deal with built-in functions in this lesson and the user-defined functions in the next lesson.

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Excel VBA Methods

A method of an Excel VBA object normally do something or perform certain operations. For example, ClearContents is a method of the range object that clears the contents of a cell or a range of cells. For example, You can write the following code to clear the contents of certain range:

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Excel VBA Objects

Most programming languages today deal with objects, a concept called object oriented programming. Although Excel VBA is not a truly object oriented programming language, it does deal with objects. Excel VBA object is something like a tool or a thing that has certain functions and properties, and can contain data. For example, an Excel Worksheet is an object, a cell in a worksheet is an object, a range of cells is an object, the font of a cell is an object, a command button is an object, and a text box is an object and more.

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