Body Mass Index (BMI) is so popular today that it has become a standard measure for our health status. If your BMI is too high, it means you are overweight and would likely face a host of potential health problems associated with high BMI, such as hypertension, heart disease, diabetics and many others. We have programmed a BMI calculator using Visual Basic 6 before, but now we shall show you how to create an Excel VBA BMI calculator in MS Excel. The code is as shown below:
The formula for calculating BMI is
The function Round is to round the value to a certain decimal places. It takes the format Round(x,n), where n is the number to be rounded and n is the number of decimal places.
The second part of the program uses the If...Then..Else statement to evaluate the weight level. The output is as shown in Figure 13.1
Figure 13.1
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